If you are experiencing error messages when making a payment, please be sure you have entered the correct details by double-checking your information. Check with your bank to ensure there are no problems with your account. After this, please contact our customer service here and submit details, we will investigate further.
To help us resolve the issue for you, please include as many of the following details as possible (don't worry if you're not very technical or are unsure about any of the below; just give us as much information as you can:
1. What operating system you are using (e.g. iOS, Android, Windows Vista, Mac OS X).
2. What Internet Browser you are using or if via our App (e.g. Internet Explorer 8, Firefox, Safari, Chrome).
3. What payment method you were trying (e.g. Google Pay, Visa, Net Banking).
4. A description of the problem and when the problem occurred.
5. If you receive an error message, please include it in your message to us and provide us with a screenshot if possible.
6. Include your order number and your email address.